Review Partners Privacy Principles
Voluntary participation
Thank you for considering taking part in a survey conducted by Review Partners Pty Ltd ABN 54 078 922 817.
Review Partners conducts research into the opinions and experiences of people to assist government organisations and private businesses with effective planning and decision-making. We routinely protect the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided to us by customers and clients of these organisations. Your involvement in any of our studies is completely voluntary at all times and we appreciate your co-operation in participating.
Privacy requirements
The National Privacy Principles govern the way in which private sector organisations like Review Partners collect, use, keep secure and disclose personal information. We hold memberships with the AMSRS (Australian Market and Social Research Society) and we comply with the principles of the Market Research Society of Australia’s Code of Professional Behaviour. You can find further information about on the Market and Social Research Privacy Code on the AMSRS website at
Personal information
Any answers or information that you give us will be treated as confidential unless you have given your consent to the contrary for explicit purposes. Details that identify you are removed prior to our analysis and reporting.
When analysing survey responses your answers will be combined for analysis with information collected from a number of other participants and reported at an aggregate level. This means that the information presented in our reporting is not identified according to individual responses.
In any case where your personally-identifiable information could be used for another purpose we will clearly explain the purpose and seek your agreement before using this information only for the agreed purpose.
Our survey software may also automatically capture technical information about your browser type in order to deliver an interview best suited to your software. Cookies may be used in some surveys to avoid duplication of surveying or to allow you to return to the survey at a later time. These can be either blocked or deleted by your browser software settings.
You have the right to request access to, and/or correct or delete any information held about you by our company.
Future contact
We will not pass your contact details onto any third party and we will not send you unsolicited mail or. If we, or our client, would like to make contact with you in future we will ask your explicit permission for this and allow you to opt in or out of any communication.
Security of data
We have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Only authorised employees have access to the information you provide us and only for data analysis and quality control purposes.